Tuesday 15 November 2011

Earrings for education - donations for resources for Esikangu Primary School

Esikangu Primary School was created, and is run and supported, by its local community. The school was needed because other schools in the area were either too far for the children to walk to or were too expensive because they required fees, uniforms and books. Kipepeo helped organise the community group (The Green Group) with the process of setting up the school and continue to support them with day to day running issues and materials, to future development advice.

Currently the teaching is split between Romona (a grandmother from the village) and Damaris who is training to become a teacher.  Between them they teach around 35 children between the ages of 1 and 7, with few resources as many of the children cannot afford their own books. The school is based in the village church and the benches are tipped on their sides to make seats and tables for the children to work on.

Our friend Derya teaching the nursery class
What the school is lacking is materials. The teachers desperately need teaching handbooks, the children require textbooks to write in and reading books appropriate to their abilities and ages. A donation of £3 for a set of earrings could either by 3 teachers handbooks, 25 textbooks or 6 childrens reading books.

Donation of £3 = Mother of pearl earrings on plated silver backs
Possible colours include; red, blue, pink, pale green, deep green and yellow

Caleb, Lucy, Davis and Kelen at Esikangu school
If you want any more information about the school, just ask, we love talking about it. 

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