Saturday 18 February 2012

BIG Thankyou and News from Kenya..

Hello lovely people!

Exciting news, we have been chatting to everyone at Kipepeo (via Julius), about you lovely fund-raisers and they have sent us the action plan of the £300 we have sent from our fundraising for Kipepeo shenanigans. 

For Esikangu Primary School
- books, textbooks and teachers handbooks as planned.
- 6 school desks

For the Green Groups's Orphans Project
- 1 cow which will 'which will support the group with milk for selling and generate income continuously for the group and its other sustainable activities' says Julius. 
- Uniforms for the 'Dance Club', to give the group a oneness and will provide the kids will a new outfit which we here they are very excited about as these children have probably never had a new outfit for themselves before!

For the Street Boys of Luanda
- Supplies for a jewellery making business for the boys to set up and run.
- Seeds to develop the boys' plant nursery business
- Food for the meetings Jesse and Julius have with the boys on Fridays, to mentor the boys, chat to them and to discuss their micro-business ventures.

Funds to keep Kipepeo running
- We spoke to Julius and the guys and what was also needed was help with rent and electricity costs for the Kipepeo office to enable computer lessons to continue and to keep the hub of Kipepeo up and running.

We need to say a few HUGE thankyous. To you for buying, making and supporting this project and to Julius, Jesse and Jethron for organising the change on the ground and for showing Jess and I an incredible Kenyan time in 2011.

...And watch this space, photos and news from our Kenyan buddies as well as some Spring-themed fundraising.

Thankyou, thankyou! xx

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